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it's time.

Are you ready to reconnect with yourself and get clarity on your true purpose?  Join us to rediscover your path and make time for what matters most in your life among people who share a similar language, struggles, and history.

Revive Physicians Retreat

Nita Lake Lodge, Whistler BC I November 1-3, 2024

I'm in!

our mission is simple: to help female identifying physicians live their best lives by supporting them to rediscover and redefine their values and gain skills to improve their lives and the systems in which they work.

our mission
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If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself, and the organization gets pulled up with you.


- Indra Nooyi


The Revive Retreat

Nita Lake Lodge |Whistler, British Columbia | November 1-3, 2024









our mission

You don't have to live in a constant state of overwhelm. You have the power to define yourself on your own terms, by discovering what really matters to you and making time for it every day in both professional and personal roles

In our time together, we'll talk about how to do just that: redefine yourself and make time for what matters most in your life. We'll dive into topics like:

+Self-Awareness: We are all leaders, in our personal and professional lives.  To do this well we must be grounded in who we truly are . Self-Awareness—it's about having a strong sense of purpose and  an understanding of your values.  

+ Empowering yourself and others: Understanding your role as part of a bigger system and learning skill sets to better manage your time and energy, while supporting others to do the same, leads to a more collaborative and empowered system. 

+ Strategic Thinking: leaders' ability to think strategically and develop a clear vision for their organizations. This starts with having a clear vision for yourself and your role, this can then improve your communication with and work within the organizational structures we all are a part of. 

+ Growth Mindset: To help  develop adaptability, resilience, and a growth mindset. These skills are essential in functioning and leading in the complex and ever-changing systems of health care. 

Personal leadership development enhances the capabilities of individual leaders, enabling them to effectively lead and inspire their teams. Through improved self-awareness, communication skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to empower and develop others, leaders create a positive organizational culture that drives success and growth.

draft agenda |

Payment Information & What's Included


  • participation in three days of events, talks, and activities
  • meals from friday evening to sunday lunch at Nita Lake Lodge
  • swag bags and workbook to help support your learning throughout the weekend and beyond 
  • opportunity for 1:1 laser coaching with a certified executive & resilience coach 
Register Today!

Retreat Faculty


Jennie Aitken

Jennie Aitken works with emerging physician leaders across Canada as an educator, team builder and disruptor that is constantly looking to the next big opportunity to affect positive change in health care. She holds Masters Degrees in [Medical] History (Queen's University) and Dispute Resolution (University of Victoria) and has advanced training in change management, team building, leadership development, quality improvement and large group facilitation. Jennie is a sought-after speaker and facilitator for health care audiences across Canada.

Dr. Sarah Lea

Dr. Sarah Lea is a double-board certified family and addiction medicine physician and certified executive and resilience coach.  Upon completing her CEC training from Royal Roads, she took a step back from clinical medicine to support women and female-identifying physicians and healthcare professionals to thrive in life, medicine and leadership.  Sarah lives with her husband, three boys and fur baby on Lekwungen territory, spending her free time hiking, biking, and generally enjoying the great outdoors.

Dr. Alicia Power

Dr. Alicia Power is a family doctor, maternity doctor and lover of efficiency and quality improvement.  She is involved in various ways in working with physicians and her local health authority to positively affect change for our patients, our providers and the functioning of our system.  She has two school aged kids, a hyperactive dog and a husband who supports all of her crazy ideas!  

Dr. Anne Nguyen

As a family physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Anne Nguyen spent the first ten years of her career providing low barrier primary and hospital based care in Northwestern Ontario and Victoria, BC.  As well as joining PHP as Physician Lead, she works as an addiction medicine consultant in Victoria hospitals.  Anne is deeply grateful for the opportunity to work directly with physician colleagues and partner organizations to promote the health of BC’s doctors, and feels privileged to walk alongside her peers on their journeys to healthful personal and professional lives during these challenging times for the profession.

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